Volkswagen Tiguan Off-road Experiential Drive — A Pleasant Surprise!

In the INR 40 lakh price bracket, the Volkswagen Tiguan stands as an obvious choice, owing to its famed German craftsmanship, brisk performance and nimble handling. However, there’s an aspect of the Tiguan that remained relatively unknown to us— its off-road prowess. Volkswagen recently came up with the Tiguan off-road experiential drive, providing us with the opportunity to take the wheel of the Tiguan on a thoughtfully designed course that replicated everything from troublesome potholes to steep descents. Here’s how our experience unfolded.

First Things First

Commencing our off-road experience, we began with a sighting lap to acquaint ourselves with the intricacies of the obstacles — from the line of attack to building the momentum — the key is to achieve a harmonious balance that aids in overcoming challenges. After completing the sighting lap, the initial step involves adjusting the driver’s seat to ensure maximum comfort and visibility. Next, we activated the Tiguan’s off-road mode, which manages all electronic systems in response to the specific terrain conditions. Finally, shifting the lever into manual mode, we were ready to embark on our off-road adventure.

Befitting daily abuse

A majority of Tiguan buyers will think twice before taking their SUVs off the road and Volkswagen is well aware of that. As a result, the first set of obstacles was designed to mimic the daily abuse your car deals with, which includes ill-engineered speed breakers and crater-sized potholes. Navigating the array of speed bumps and pothole simulations required a careful approach, encouraging the Tiguan to advance steadily with minimal use of throttle and brakes. The Tiguan elegantly tiptoed through both obstacles with ease, letting minimal movement filter through the cabin.

Next, we tackled the incline and decline test, marking our first substantial obstacle. Shifting the Tiguan into manual mode, we confidently ascended the incline with a steady push on the accelerator pedal. Upon reaching the apex of the obstacle, we fully applied the brake pedal to activate the hill descent control, which adeptly managed the steep descent. Nonetheless, increased ground clearance and an improved approach angle would have further benefited the Tiguan, ensuring no brush-up with the bodywork.

Sideshow begins

After the small obstacles, we moved to the side incline test, which demonstrated the stability and tilt angle of the Tiguan. The key to overcoming such obstacles is to keep the steering straight and carry a steady momentum. The Tiguan went through the side incline test with ease and as we neared the end, it seamlessly channelled power to the rear wheels, minimising wheel spin in the air.

Axle Twisters

Next, we proceeded to the most-loved obstacle of any offroad activity, the articulation test. I love it not only for the visual drama it creates but also for the degree to which it challenges the mechanicals of any SUV. Since the Tiguan sits on a monocoque chassis and runs on road-friendly suspension, it doesn’t have colossal suspension travel — unlike other purpose-built off-road SUVs. However, the 4MOTION all-wheel system of the Tiguan, complete with electronically locking differentials, performed admirably, effectively minimising wheel spin as we traversed the pits. On a few occasions, we were encouraged to accelerate more than necessary to maintain momentum through the deep articulation pits.

Upon completing the articulation pits, we proceeded to the somewhat comical water-wading test, concluding the off-road experience. The experiential drive served its purpose in recalibrating our minds to comprehend how capable these all-wheel-drive SUVs have become. Upon experiencing it firsthand, it’s safe to say that the Tiguan is more than just a soft-roader. 

Amit Saraswat: