TI Fluid Systems Expands with e-Mobility Innovation Centers in Asia

Image Courtesy: TI Fluids

TI Fluid Systems (TIFS), a prominent global automotive fluid systems technology supplier, is set to establish two new e-Mobility Innovation Centers (eMICs) in Nagoya, Japan, and Incheon, South Korea, this year. The move aims to expedite the development of thermal management solutions for electric vehicles (EVs) in the Asian market while fostering closer collaboration with regional customers.

Building upon the success of the first eMIC in Rastatt, Germany, these centres integrate six core competencies: virtual engineering, design, processing, prototyping, product testing, and vehicle testing. This cohesive approach empowers engineers to ideate, simulate, and visualize thermal management solutions across different levels, enabling the rapid introduction of advanced technology to the market.

The Japan eMIC, strategically situated in Nagoya, capitalizes on its proximity to customers’ technical centres and the Shinkansen high-speed railway. Spanning 1,900 square meters, this centre boasts cutting-edge features like a state-of-the-art virtual reality system, 3D printing capabilities, and high-resolution digital visualization.

Similarly, the South Korean eMIC, located in Incheon near customer technical centres and the international airport, houses advanced facilities including virtual reality systems, 3D printing resources, and product and vehicle testing avenues. The South Korean centre has a strong commitment to electrification and includes multiple recharging stations.

TI Fluid Systems’ expansion aligns with its global vision for the eMIC network, with further facilities planned for the Asia Pacific and North America regions, to be disclosed later this year.

Hans Dieltjens, President and CEO of TI Fluid Systems, emphasised the significance of the new centres: “The opening of these new facilities in South Korea and Japan represents an important milestone in developing our e-Mobility Innovation Center network. Working more collaboratively to tackle the thermal management challenges they face will have a profound impact on manufacturers’ development rate and vehicle performance.”

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