Terranet partners carmakers and suppliers for improved traffic safety

Photo by Alexandria Gilliott on Unsplash

AstaZero, in partnership with key collaborators such as Terranet AB and Trafikverket, is initiating a groundbreaking project aimed at enhancing traffic safety for automated vehicles. This initiative, slated to operate from May 2024 to May 2025, receives backing from Vinnova, Sweden’s esteemed innovation agency.

The project, titled “Verification Methods for Robust Driver Assist System Performance,” is part of FFI, the Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation program, which fosters cooperation between the government and the automotive sector. Its overarching objective is to pioneer both physical and virtual verification techniques to assess and enhance the efficacy of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). By expanding the scope to encompass a wider array of accident scenarios and ensuring the resilience of safety features in real-world conditions, the ultimate aim is to curtail the incidence of severe injuries and fatalities on the roads.

Motivating this endeavor is the recognition that despite the strides made by current systems in reducing serious accidents, notable performance constraints persist. These limitations have been underscored by Euro NCAP’s Vision 2030 initiative, which aims to integrate robust verification methods into its evaluations starting from 2026. The project aligns with Euro NCAP’s objectives and places a specific emphasis on safeguarding vulnerable road users. Further details regarding Terranet’s involvement in the project will be disclosed in due course.

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