Mahindra XUV 700 is now undergoing its fifth recall since its launch. In contrast, the XUV 400 is undergoing its inaugural recall.
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Lanzador mesmerizes with its audacious and futuristic design while maintaining the quintessential Lamborghini DNA.
As the market continues to evolve, over 90% of EV sales in the second quarter of 2023 came equipped with smart connected features.
The Bharat NCAP program is envisioned to elevate road safety by enhancing the safety standards of motor vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes.
The installation, standing as a record-breaking feat, is on display from August 19 to September 17, 2023, at Cyberhub, Gurugram.
The core of the ‘Extended Warranty Plus’ program lies in its comprehensive coverage, safeguarding critical high-value engine components.
To mark its 10th anniversary in the Indian EV domain, BYD India also unveiled its new office in Gurugram, Haryana.
Offering a range of driving experiences, the B95 boasts five distinct driving modes – Calma, Pura, Energica, Furiosa, and Carattere.
According to sources, negotiations are “quite an advanced stage” and that Lavoie will assume “as much as possible” of VanMoof’s management.
The penalty was handed down by the Joint Commissioner of Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) and Central Excise, Pune-I Commissionerate.