Elon Musk hypes Tesla’s delayed full self-driving update

Representative Image (Courtesy: Tesla)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is once again generating excitement around the long-awaited release of the Tesla Supervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) v12.4 update. Musk now claims that this update will enable Tesla vehicles to drive for over a year without requiring human intervention, a significant advancement in autonomous driving technology.

Initially intended to be released in mid-February and then postponed to early May, the FSD v12.4 update has also been affected in terms of timing, with customers anticipating the update’s roll-out in Tesla cars. Still, to give it another wait, Musk says that the update is terrific as it comes with a lot of changes incorporated in the build.

Musk also recently tweeted that FSD 12 is indeed a real and actual release – not a beta version. It has been launched within the company to the employees as well as it plans to introduce the car to some selected customers this weekend. This delay, although, is about a month behind the projected arrival; however, it is believed to bring unprecedented enhancements to Tesla self-driving systems.

Among the promised improvements, Musk talks about the fact that the steering wheel nag, which is quite irritating for Tesla owners with at autopilot, will be removed. Further, it also hopes to enhance the separate value of the epochs or the distance travelled between interventional occurrences by an order of magnitude or more, possibly up to and over a year.

This research also draws evidence from statements by Musk hinting at current activities about versions 12. 5 and 12. 6 A layout of this technology can help to upgrade subsequent versions which might contain more advanced systems that augment self-driving. However, he stresses that getting a year-long driving experience without any interferences from the interventious depends on addressing issues that could turn into bugs in the following manner.

Despite having visions of a model with advanced levels of autonomous driving, current consumers of Tesla products are still guarded anticipating more advancements in self-driving but with certain level of safety precautions. If Tesla improves or overhauls the version of the FSD it is using as a base, anticipation grows as more and more of it becomes tested on the road and made safer/closer to fully self-driving functionality.

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