Antolin to Elevate In-Vehicle Experience through Emotional Intelligence

Source - Antolin

Antolin, an avant-garde force in automotive innovation, is embarking on a groundbreaking journey with the GENIUS project, an Artificial Intelligence-driven initiative poised to redefine the in-vehicle experience. Collaborating with an esteemed team of Spanish experts spanning neurology, psychology, cognitive studies, emotions, and computer systems, Antolin’s endeavor seeks to harness intelligent systems to decode and optimize cognitive and emotional states of passengers in real time.

The project sets its sights on creating a revolutionary fusion of cutting-edge sensors and intelligent systems, forming an intricate web that analyses and interprets users’ cognitive and emotional dimensions. As the vehicle’s cabin becomes a seamless extension of passengers’ lives, Antolin’s GENIUS project aims to revolutionize comfort and well-being within the cabin.

Employing an array of sensors that scrutinize the cabin environment, GENIUS promises to gauge passengers’ cognitive and emotional states. Depending on these insights, the system orchestrates a symphony of external stimuli, encompassing lighting, sound, and even aromas, thereby crafting a tailored in-vehicle journey that optimally suits passengers’ needs.

Partnering with distinguished research groups like the Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL), the Textile Industry Research Association (AITEX), Infinitia Research, the Biomedical Engineering Group (GIB), and the ICAI School of Engineering, Antolin’s endeavor is a convergence of expertise aimed at transforming vehicles into intimate sanctuaries for passengers.

As cars evolve to become the “third living space,” Antolin’s vision extends beyond conventional transport. By implementing autonomous and intelligent interior functions, the company intends to redefine the passenger experience. Through GENIUS, the cabin will metamorphose, adapting to passengers’ moods, comfort, and safety requirements.

As part of this ambitious project, a state-of-the-art simulator is under construction, designed to meticulously scrutinize critical parameters and monitoring systems. This testing ground is pivotal for comprehending the correlation between external stimuli, cognitive states, and biomedical and physiological data.

Antolin’s trailblazing collaboration with this consortium of innovation holds the promise of a future where vehicles intuitively respond to occupants’ emotional needs, transcending traditional paradigms. With the GENIUS project, Antolin takes a bold step towards an era where vehicles are not mere transports, but rather, cocooning havens of personal comfort and safety.

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