GM temporarily halts Cruise Origin van production

The temporary pause in the production of the Cruise Origin van aligns with the broader challenges and investigations faced by autonomous vehicle companies.

General Motors (GM) announced on Monday its decision to temporarily suspend the production of the fully autonomous Cruise Origin van, just days after the unit disclosed a pause in all driverless operations. This move was reported through various media outlets, with reference to an audio recording of Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt addressing the matter during an all-hands meeting.

Addressing staff concerns

According to reports, Vogt informed the staff during the meeting that the company has already produced hundreds of Cruise Origin vehicles. He indicated that this quantity is more than sufficient for the near-term and that production will be halted temporarily.

A pause in the production line

A GM spokesperson clarified that they are in the final stages of producing a small number of pre-commercial vehicles. After completing this production run, the plan is to pause the manufacturing process temporarily. The spokesperson stressed that GM remains committed to the future of autonomous vehicles and highlighted the significance of the Origin in advancing autonomous vehicle (AV) technology.

Background on Cruise’s operations

Cruise, the driverless car unit of General Motors, previously announced a nationwide pause in operations. This decision came after California regulators suspended Cruise’s license to operate robotaxis, citing concerns that self-driving vehicles posed risks to public safety.

In February 2022, Cruise petitioned U.S. regulators, seeking permission to deploy up to 2,500 self-driving Origin vehicles annually, designed to operate without human controls such as steering wheels. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had originally anticipated a decision on this petition within weeks. However, in the preceding month, they initiated a new investigation to determine whether Cruise is taking sufficient precautions to protect pedestrians. This investigation follows an ongoing probe initiated in December.

The temporary pause in the production of the Cruise Origin van aligns with the broader challenges and investigations faced by autonomous vehicle companies as they work to address regulatory concerns and enhance the safety of their self-driving technologies. Despite this setback, GM remains committed to the potential of autonomous vehicles and the role that the Cruise Origin will play in advancing AV technology.

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